Version 2.0 of the Scrumulous iPhone app has been released and is available for sale on the iTunes App Store.
What's New in Version 2.0
- Updated Look and Feel
- Scrollable Input Screens
- Release Burndown Chart
- Team Velocity Chart
- Sprint Velocity Calculation
- Impediment comments
The Backlog and Sprint commitments are managed on the 'Stories' view. Prioritize stories by entering edit mode and dragging to change the order. Stories that are dragged into sprints become part of the sprint commitment. | The Release burndown is a new 2.0 feature that allows a Product Owner to track the progress trend from sprint to sprint. |
The Story edit view has been redesigned for Version 2.0. The data fields have been moved into a scrollable 'tableview' which expands the amount of screen area. | The Estimate view has an enhanced look and feel and can be easily used in a Planning Poker meeting as a virtual card deck. |
What's Coming in Version 2.1
- Scrollable Task Edit Screen
- Task Notes
- Auto complete tasks on 0 hours remaining
- Auto reduce hours to 0 on task completion
- Auto complete stories on task completion